(ed. Chrisy was absent this session. Greg left the campaign last week and Olivia stepped in in the role of Tetow/Tatertot the forest gnome ranger. That didn't work out very well and she will be rejoining as a unique PC sometime in the future. Nick was also drinking heavily during his note taking so as to better roleplay the alcoholic Hawkeye. That didn't work out very well either. I've corrected typos for readability, but left his notes intact otherwise.)
We heard the shriek-n-mire (ed. Shrieken Mire) from The Old Grizzler. Use to be lizard-men down there. Haven’t seen them for a while, ghost of a guy in there, queen of the mire as well. No one ever goes there for good reason. Tauzer’s is willing to help us out in the future, with enchanting, hopefully.
After another painful morning, we talked to Wilbur, in accordance to the job he has hired us for. He told us we are just extra man power, as he already has a regular set of people to protect his wares. Mautilis snuck off to talk to Darius Carman to let him know we wouldn’t be of use for a while. To no surprise to anyone, Felisin seems to be missing or sleeping in. Either are likely better than having her with this job, she’d likely set the raft on fire because it’s too sunny. After receiving our money, we head off to the docks and begin our journey.
The raft itself was piled high enough that even Tatertot could not fit on it, so we were forced to walk alongside the river, trusting Susan with actually pulling the raft. She seemed strained but none the worse for wear.
To make the journey go faster, the guards were kind enough to talk to us. As usual, it was up to me to gather information about the goings on. They told us about other kidnappings, all magic users from the surrounding areas. Sadly, none have been located, regardless of the bounty or reward for their rescue. A male priest was captured on the outskirts on a village, outside of Nash-till, a mining town. It’s about a day trek south. There was also a woods-witch that was kidnapped.
Mautilis kept bugging everyone about the Smiths, like we have some duty to remind them their place burnt down. Buggers can probably afford another…
Otherwise, it was a blotchy journey of the usual to Thurmaster. With exclusion to Houra’s ability to set himself ablaze, lending credit to the damn demon theory. I should remind myself to take blood samples next chance I get.
Eventually, I find ourselves at Tauzer’s hovely-tower. He
has no news except he is wasting time getting scrying compenents ALL THE WAY
FROM BLOODY AMN. It’ll take over a week till he finishes. Houra points out his
inadicqa…lacking wizarding skills and he gets defensive, telling us how he left
the guild and his master Aaron must not know about his doings. Luckily, I
manage to get us some enchantments when we have money…someday…
Luckily, everyone remembered where the inn is, so I stumbled my way along to find a drink. After a refreshing rest, we set out to go back to Melbourne and search for Jenelithe ourselves, as no one else is apparently trying very hard. On the way, we stopped off at Were-bear (ed. Krynen's) Farm and someone must have informed the father of his child’s condition, as he was very upset and insisted on going with us. I tried to persuade him to stay, as it is not safe. It wasn’t successful and the father joined us.
We go to Cooper’s farm, the father rushed as we get there and Maitilus informs farmhands of the condition for some reason. Cooper says he will keep looking into Jenelith’s disappearance but I doubt he actually is.
We got to Melbourne and Houra tried to sell us for were-bear fighting training. Since there hasn’t been any were-bear issues, it doesn’t go well but big surprise.
I tried to teach Susan to learn to come. You heard me.
After another day or boringness, we head off to Harlaton in search of knowledge and a more safe route to the woods. None of our journeys have provided much besides a restful drunken stupor. Nothing seems to happen here but we did find a bar, the most important part of town. At noon, we look at the job boards. A hostess greats us as we enter the Pitcher and Pitchfork, what a long name. Houra talks to her but I walk to the bar before I carry on much more about what he talks about
We continued onward
looking for for the Lyrchwood. Susan is going slow. We cross our path towards
the mire to where we were originally attacked by fake farmers and dastardly
liars.Luckily, everyone remembered where the inn is, so I stumbled my way along to find a drink. After a refreshing rest, we set out to go back to Melbourne and search for Jenelithe ourselves, as no one else is apparently trying very hard. On the way, we stopped off at Were-bear (ed. Krynen's) Farm and someone must have informed the father of his child’s condition, as he was very upset and insisted on going with us. I tried to persuade him to stay, as it is not safe. It wasn’t successful and the father joined us.
We go to Cooper’s farm, the father rushed as we get there and Maitilus informs farmhands of the condition for some reason. Cooper says he will keep looking into Jenelith’s disappearance but I doubt he actually is.
We got to Melbourne and Houra tried to sell us for were-bear fighting training. Since there hasn’t been any were-bear issues, it doesn’t go well but big surprise.
I tried to teach Susan to learn to come. You heard me.
After another day or boringness, we head off to Harlaton in search of knowledge and a more safe route to the woods. None of our journeys have provided much besides a restful drunken stupor. Nothing seems to happen here but we did find a bar, the most important part of town. At noon, we look at the job boards. A hostess greats us as we enter the Pitcher and Pitchfork, what a long name. Houra talks to her but I walk to the bar before I carry on much more about what he talks about
Matlilus does nothing but Houra uses his magical bird to look through the forest as we walk through it. In a two hour lap, nothing appears to be an issue…
We saw lots of wood cutters but they are soooo useless. A detailed search by the magical bird told us practically nothing
Nothing happened during the woods but of god do I need more liqor. Spirits is good and all but I need a change in a while.
We searched the woods for a while but we found no tracks or signs of anyone that isn’t normally here.
(ed. session was cut short when I got cranky at overall group toxicity level and picked up my toys a la Cartman)
Ok, yeah, that explains that
It was amusing to get drunk and do notes but never again
Session Loot Recap
25gp per member for escorting Wilbur's raft-o-shit.
EXP - Party Rewards
EXP - RP and Individual Goals
Some of you went backwards.
Ongoing Points of Interest Log
- Jelenneth's disappearance- enforced by Torm (god) bound legal agreement (Tauster/everyone)
- Parlfray Keep/Count Parlfray (TOG/Wilbur)
- Shar's evil priest slaying Parlfray's men in Hardlow woods long ago(TOG)
- Demihumans in The Great Rock Dale (TOG)
- Shiraz in the Eelhold (from Garyld)
- Scouting / determining the cause of the New Mire spread (Carman)
- Orc's with skull/crossbow bolt shield motif (encountered)
- Shrieken Mire? (TOG)