Session Notes 11/15
by: Tomoe - Mickinzee
Day 9:
- Magic Orc shield identified as +1 light steel shield
- Oleanne very concerned about orc attack
- Tribe that attacked not local, too sophisticated
- Great Rockdale demi-humans primative
- Leaves (south) Kuiper & party to track orcs
- Rogtar offers aid to Oleanne, she suggests party isn’t suited for the task
- Rogtar & Erol spot something in the bushes
- Rogtar & Jobin debate about werebeasts
- Cowl (Catfolk PC) emerges, apparently bewildered by conversation
- Jobin declares Cowl a Werebobcat
- Cowl sought Oleanne to be a druid, she refused
- Seeking to trap & kill Maxim
- Cowl joins party for mission
- Kuiper & party find Maxim in woods
- Maxim appears to have some slashing damage
- Rogtar fascinates Maxim
- Cowl (in a tree) crits while dropping a net on Maxim (falls prone)
- Second net is thrown, Maxim hit by ray of enfeeblement, Kuiper uses wild empathy to calm and reach Maxim
- Party heads to Thurmaster and continues into the night as a storm picks up
- Werebeast conversation continues
- Party finally address why Cowl is following
- Party attacked by a man with an eyepatch, cloth bat wings, Myrkul holy symbol
- 2 rogues attack from the deeper woods 2 fighters attack from road
- Jobin takes on fighters
- Rogtar takes on rogue 1
- Tomoe & Cowl takes on 2 rogue and flying cleric?
- Erol & Ortree take on flying cleric
- Cleric proceeds with BS defensive magic
- Erol & Ortree retreat
- Rogtar & Jobin fall unconscious and then return fights prone for awhile
- Grease causes cleric fall prone
- Cowl disarms cleric & takes cleric’s evil looking heavy flail
- Cleric retreats
- Loot: 23 gp, +1 Longsword, +1 Longbow, +2 heavy flail
- Jobin carrying flail
- Arrives in Thurmaster, stay at Hound & Tale Inn
- 30 sp for the night (out of party funds)
- Threat of eating contest between Jobin & Ortree
Day 10:
- Approached by Squire Marlyn, party receives summons to see Parlfray ASAP
- Party returns to see Tauster for ring duplicate and updates
- Cowl fascinates Tauster
- No new knowledge of Jelennith
- Sold gold brooch for 625 GP
Day 11:
- Rest in Milborne
Day 12:
- Approach goblin tribe in New Mire
- Bluehands welcomes party with celebratory dust
- Burkulik (shaman) summoned
- Ring duplicated accepted
- Attempted bluff by Cowl that Jobin’s dust creates blooms
- Does not succeeds, Burkulik “does magic too”
- Accepts +1 Longsword as “good greatsword for chief”
- Party receives Ring of Water Elemental Command
- Goblins warned to not cause trouble
- May haunt the party later, NPCs seem to think it was a bad idea
- In Harlaton, party is notified that Carlanis seemed to have a change of personality
- No longer hostile, confused, no memory of last 2 weeks
- Changed occurred ~2 days after party last left Harlaton
- Suggest that enchantment last ~10 days
- From a farm outside of Milborne
- NOTE: Should be retconned that Milborne residents & Kuiper are familiar with Carlanis (DM: yep, mah bad)
- Party agrees to accompany Carlanis back home
Day 13:
- Carlanis returns home to grateful family
- Wife informs party Carlanis began odd behavior when he started drinking a new drink
- Flask of liquid flashes magic, smells salty and fishy
- No memory of drinking item or where it came from
- Update Garlyd: he is concerned about new attacks, upset about goblin situation (suggest we omit that aspect when we tell others), suggests we see Darius and Shiraz
- Party sees Darius, he is expecting it
- Party antagonizes Darius
- Jobin forgets to not mention the goblins
- Darius thinks it’s a joke
- Rogtar negotiates a reward for the party’s work with New Mire
- Will receive if significant lowering within 1 week
- NOTE: Agreed on price??
- Darius offers the party job opportunities to guard some of his shipments
- Job to accompany a barge of lumber to Parlfray
- Offers 5 gp per PC, negotiates up to 10 gp per PC
Day 14:
- Travel uneventful
Day 15:
- When awakened, mottling on Tomoe's face noticed
- Identified as Blood Fever (Stirges)
- Party approaches keep
- Lintern: Parlfray’s son, 25 years old, strong but untrained, wants to be an adventurer
- Has fondness for Tomoe, not appreciated
- Meets with Parlfray: ~80 yo, frail looking
- Updated about all issues the party has faced
- Jobin remembers not to tell him about the goblins
- Seems unease when Mrykul cleric is mentioned, seems to be hiding something
- Somewhat surprised that Darius hadn’t done anything about the mire
- Debate about his son and his desire to fight eventually leads to an upset dinner invitation
- Dinner
- Parlfray still nervous when Mrykul is mentioned
- Parlfray ask the party to investigate the missing Halfling Yondallan pilgrims
- Party was expected in the last week
- Was heading south through Howler’s Moor (party should head north)
- 100 gp for their return, 10 gp/day of search up to 1 week
- Lintern wants to go, Parlfray forbids it
- Ortree slips Lintern a note telling him to meet the party tomorrow morning
- Lafaire
- Wandering priest in area
- Leave message for him in town or at keep to get in touch
- Tomoe walks around the grounds after dinner
- Keep/land in decay, guards seem unusually old
- No significant information gathered
- Runs into Lintern, awkwardness ensues
Day 15:
- Party runs into Lintern waiting for them outside, no consensus on what to do
- Rogtar & Ortree: Run away with us
- Ortree may need a new god
- Jobin & Erol: Nope
- Tomoe: Secret mission
- Cowl: Follow your dreams
- Erol calls for the guards and Parlfray
- Lintern begins to run away with Rogtar and Ortree, but stops for the idea of a secret mission
- Rogtar runs for a bit then stops, Ortree keeps running
- Lintern agrees to spy on his father to see what connections there are between Parlfray and the Mrykul bandits if he can travel with the party agrees to take him with us after we return
- The party agrees-ish
- The party heads north into Howler’s Moor
- Cowl & Tomoe spot a shambling humanoid figure in the distance
- On approach, identified as Troglodyte zombie
- Combat? initiated
- Cowl => Lighting sand
- Lots of holding action
- Jobin smashes it
Day 17:
- Tomoe cured
- Howling from the north seems to be approaching
- Armor spotted about 200 yards away on a small hill
- Identified as halflings (1 dead, 1 badly injured)
- Injured halfling mentions a red headed man whose eyes were alive
- 4 death dogs spotted approaching
- Cowl colorsprays two, Jobin (now large) smashes the other two
The Ramblings of Jobin
River Fight - 2 archers, 2 sworders, Myrkul Fella - 600 EXP
Goblin Resolution - 200 EXP
Trog Zombie - 100 EXP
Deathdog Pack - 300 EXP
Important inhabitants, buildings, and services of Milborne: Corresponding to map
2. The Mill House
Home of Haldelar and Parella. Haldelar is de-facto mayor, though titleless and speaks for the village in times of need. Their daughter, Jelenneth, is the apprentice of Tauster the wizard.
3. Warehouses
Communal, anyone can use them for storage. Guarded by Rendennis with his two guard dogs.
4. The Folly
abandoned half a bridge built by a long-forgotten merchant years ago
before he realized it wasn't necessary to cross the Churnett River.
5. The Boathouse
Home of Capella, carpenter and handywoman.
6. The Exchange
Town hall and merchants square
7. The Baron of Mutton
Tavern and inn, mostly used by barge workers plying the river.
Rooms are 10sp a night with a tasty bacon breakfast included.
Owned by Dirkaster, a nasty old man, and his two grandsons, Andren and Barthelew.
8. Carman's Smithy
by Semeren, a large bear of a man that was recently attacked by a
goblin on the road to Haranshire while lacking a weapon, he strangled
9. Old Granary
Seasonal food storage available to all
10. Garyld's Home
Ranger and carpenter, once an adventurer, now lame in one leg due to an old injury. Town constable and peacekeeper. Friendly.
11. Temple of Torm
Overseen by a young priest named Semheis. Something of a blowhard.
12. Rastifer's Store
Run by a jerk of the name. Has an eclectic variety of general goods.
13. Nafton's Stable and Kennels
Some light horses available, most impressive are the fine guard dogs he trains and sells for 45gp.
14. The Silver Crown
Spit and sawdust tavern, run by Thimpsen and his son Gergel, not particularly pleasant.
15. Carman Mansion
Home of the richest family in town.
16. Old Grizzler's House
Crusty old dwarf that has lived in the shire forever, frequents the Baron of Mutton. Fond of giving blunt and possibly unwanted advice.
NPC and Location Glossary
Area: Haranshire- Milborne - human village
- inhabitants above
- Thurmaster - partially destroyed in lizardman attack 40 years ago
- Tauster: Evoker of Thurmaster
- Jelennith: Apprentice of Tauster (currently missing)
- Squire Lintern: Parlfray's rep. in Thurmaster
- Harlaton - smaller human farming village
- Maxim: werebearchild
- Krynen: father of Maxim, farmstead just outside town
- Parlfray Keep - seat of government for the region
- Count Parlfray: local leader
- Lintern: only son of Parlfray
- Shadydale - halfling village
- Thistlechops Butterbelly: Mayor of Shadydale
- Buttons Longtale: local drunk and day-laborer of Shadydale
- Meena Liliput: owner of The Sheep's Wool tavern
- Vilis Shad: owner of Things Found in a Pocket general goods store
- "Felicitous" Winifred: local priestess of Yondalla
- Constable Hillguts: the short, chubby arm of the law
- Tinfoot Floin: friend of Rogtar's, bard
- Furt Himple: Pumpkin patch farmer
- Bis Himple: his wife
- Yally Tenpenny: beekeeper and farmer
- Halfling children: there are a ton of them
- Outliers
- Kuiper: Ranger of Haranshire, farm owner
- Shiraz: Ranger of Haranshire, roams the Eelhold areas
- Oleanne: Druid, with wolves Barlen and Arshir, lives in bushes?
- Lafayer: Wandering agnostic priest
- The Gauntlet: Temple of Torm
- Shandar Bontifar: Leader of The Gauntlet
- Cradle of Yondalla: Temple of Yondalla
- Bizbee Karoling: Leader of The Cradle