Session notes 1/17
by: Me!
The party spends a few days in Gnomehome waiting for Carmen to make 3 scrolls of Freedom of Movement and recovering from their various ailments. They browse the wares of the gnomes and pick up a few potions, but hold off on any gear.
The trip south is interrupted late on the first day of travel by a pack of 5 ill-equipped and starving goblins. Jobin takes pity on the wretches and gives them some food after hearing their story of falling into the depths during an earthquake. He gives them some basic directions back to the surface, but Tomoe interrupts, citing his directions are unintentionally incorrect (dat 0 Survival), and sets them off in the right direction. One of the goblins plows into Jobin, seemingly accidentally, on the way out, but is not pursued. Later during the day he finds a lump in his pocket that appears to be a hard chunk of fungus with gnaw marks on it. Brushing off the gunk uncovers an uncut emerald worth 300gp.
Cowl identifies the stench of Quaggoths two intersections away during the middle of the second day of travel (day 72), right where Carmen's map claimed they would be. The party heads in after dousing their torches and taking hits off the darkvision wand, Tomoe scouting ahead stealthily. Fungus, muck and loose stone make this section of cave considerably more
difficult to traverse and the party suffers from the poor footing
throughout the rest of the session. Cowl (now with draconic claws
replacing the cat ones) takes to climbing along the walls rather than
messing up his fur. Jobin chooses to fall down, often. Everyone else
does mostly okay.
(Rules for the terrain - DC 10 Acrobatics on the light Difficult Terrain, DC 14 on the dark DT, +5 to DC if moving more than 1/2 speed. Failure means end movement and go prone in first square of DT.)
Tomoe easily spots a pack of Quaggoth guards ahead and returns to notify the party. The fight is quick and brutal against the 8 Quags and the party suffers few casualties. They decline another intersection in the cave system and continue to follow Cowl's nose to the stinky beasts.
The next group is spotted butchering a large cave lizard and caught unaware by Cowl using his scroll of Cone of Cold from the ceiling, instantly killing half the pack and wounding many others. Erol's follow-up Stinking Cloud sickens the remainders who still try to put up a fight. They are easily disposed of.
Tomoe sneaks by another pack who also fail to notice her, resulting in the party and pack both being rather surprised. This fight is a bit rougher due to the lack of prep and the party has to expend a few resources to cope. Fortunately, OrTree now has his Boots of Earth/Lifebond combo going which eliminates the need for out of combat healing when time isn't imperative.
Tomoe again spies out the next pack before it detects the party, which, admittedly, is not as hard when she hears a particularly large Quaggoth with a greatsword working a large pack into a frenzy. The party steps in before he finishes his speech. Erol cuts off part of the pack from the big guy with another poot cloud and the party establishes a defensive line that cuts the puking beasts down as they emerge. One of the Jald's slips through and starts tearing into the casters, doing a considerable amount of damage throughout the fight. The rest of the Quags mob an enlarged Jobin and miss 75% of the time, but the sheer volume of attacks starts to overwhelm him with crits.
The party rallies back and finishes off most of the basic Quags as the leader emerges from the cloud only to meet a crit from Jobin, followed by a failed save. He retreats back into the cloud, puking and sad. The rest of the battle goes quickly without the support of the leader and the party is able to mop up quickly.
Tomoe scouts around a bit as the party loots and heals. She declines going into a short northern tunnel leading to clear water and heads a bit to the west. The large cavern she enters shows few signs of travel, but many signs of a significant battle between quaggoths and what she identifies as hook horrors some time ago. She heads back to the party and they locate a large cache of treasure in a chest made of more carapaces.
Depleted, the party decides a long rest is in order and breaks out the insta-cabin with Tomoe on watch. After some "This is what I'd actually be doing" retconning due to being unclear on PC positions in response to an encounter starting it is established that Tomoe is hiding in the shadows near the hut with an everburning torch near the intersection 40 or so ft away.
Suddenly, the torch is ripped off the wall and extinguished. Tomoe retreats back towards the hut as a hook horror crashes down from the ceiling where she had been standing. She ducks around the back of the hut using the narrow alley between the wall to keep the horror at bay as the party awakens and engages.
Jobin squares off against two of the horrors outside the cabin and is cut to shreds by their awesome blows and scissoring beaks, surely dying were it not for the miracle bodyguard defense of Rogtar. Erol attempts to clog up the entry with a euphoric cloud, but 2/3 shrug it off, and the other seemingly breaks the fascination shortly afterward.
Sensing an opening, one of the horrors presses into the cabin, trapping everyone against the back wall with its large bulk. It goes on a rampage until it is brought down by acid arrows, fire arcs, and spear pokes. Jobin hovers at deaths door throughout the fight as OrTree tries in vain to stem the damage, but the party manages to rally and slay the last of the horrors with some good rolls.
Quaggoth Guards (8) - 400 EXP
Quaggoth Lizard Hunters: (14 Quag, 1 Jald with stone axe) - 833 EXP
Quaggoth Fishers: (12 Quag) - 600 EXP
Quaggoth Home Cave: (12 Quag, 2 Jald, 1 Thonot [chief] with sword) - 1,066 EXP
Hook Horror house warming party (3) - 900 EXP
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Sunday, January 17, 2016
The Road to Grellsville
Session Notes 1/10
by: Chase (Jobin)Chris (OrTree) was out this session and joined the other occupants of the Horse Zone to be summoned when healing was needed. Mark (Erol) returned from his holiday trip just in time to die. He was raised by Carmenarin at the end of the session.
The Ramblings of Jobin
(DM) - The Grell Patriach's throne/flux point is inscribed with these spells which may be copied as if from a spellbook:
- Obscuring Mist
- Shield
- Burning Hands
- Magic Missle
- Invisibility
- Fog Cloud
- Web
- Glitterdust
- Lightning Bolt
- Dispel Magic
- Slow
- Tentacles
DM Notes
Due to returning Grokindarsin's dagger and being such charming/helpful guests, Gnomehome is now on trading terms with the party at default prices. Despite their seemingly small numbers and lack of resources, the gnomes are very capable craftsmen and have an eclectic variety of goods scavenged during their long occupation in the Underdark. Some of the gnome's wares seem to have acquired strange abilities beyond what you would normally expect due to their contact with the shifting magical energies inherent to the Underdark.
Gnomehome Merchant List
Thorindal's Wands
- Wand of Burning Hands (cr, 750 gp)
- Wand of Disrupt Undead (cr, 375 gp)
- Wand of Flame Arrow (cr, 11250 gp)
- Wand of Ghost Sound (cr, 375 gp)This heavy elder wand also transmutes gold coins into caltrops.
- Wand of Mage Armor (cr, 750 gp)This cedar wand also grants the magical ability to see in darkness for one hour per day.
- Wand of Prayer (cr, 11250 gp)
- Wand of Sound Burst (cr, 4500 gp)This willow wand also conjures roses upon command.
Dwoin's Scrollwerks-
- Golem Manual (clay) (12000 gp)This tome once belonged to the legendary artificer Elwel, who slew the Leviathan of the Rift Sea.
- Scroll of Beast Shape I (cr, 375 gp)
- Scroll of Blur (cr, 150 gp)
- Scroll of Circle of Death (cr, 2150 gp)
- Scroll of Detect Good (cr, 25 gp)
- Scroll of Distracting Cacophony (um, 375 gp)
- Scroll of Expeditious Retreat (cr, 25 gp)
- Scroll of Faerie Fire (cr, 25 gp)
- Scroll of Wall of Fire (cr, 700 gp)
- Scroll of Air Bubble (uc, 25 gp)
- Scroll of Beast Shape I (cr, 375 gp)
- Scroll of Divine Power (cr, 700 gp)
- Scroll of Eagle's Splendor (cr, 150 gp)
- Scroll of Forbid Action (um, 25 gp)
- Scroll of Magic Weapon (cr, 25 gp)
- Scroll of Mass Eagle's Splendor (cr, 1650 gp)
- Scroll of Prestidigitation (cr, 12 gp 5 gp)
- Scroll of Share Language (apg, 150 gp)
- Scroll of Touch of Fatigue (cr, 12 gp 5 gp)
Maeglungild's Treasures - (These items will rotate on each new visit)
- Dagger of Doubling (10302 gp)Every strike by this weapon is accompanied by a feral snarl.
- Heavy Steel Shield (+1 shield) (1170 gp)A distinctive shield, painted with an unknown coat of arms.
- Ring of Force Shield (8500 gp)This heavy ring is said to possess long-forgotten powers and command words.
- Rod of Cancellation (11000 gp)This heavy hawthorn rod once belonged to the renowned hero Amon, who vanished in the Pit of Ghastly Chaos.
- Scroll of Magic Weapon (cr, 25 gp)
- Scroll of Phantasmal Killer (cr, 700 gp)
- Scroll of Shock Shield (uc, 25 gp)
- Scroll of Spark (apg, 12 gp 5 sp)
- Wand of Message (cr, 375 gp) (design provides clue to function)This distinctive elder wand also grants the magical ability to untie simple knots from up to five feet away.
The Best Defense (run by Golda Godsmith)
- Club (+3 weapon) (18300 gp)Every strike by this weapon is accompanied by a monstrous snarl.
- Firedrake Pistol (20300 gp)
- Heavy Crossbow (+1 weapon) (2350 gp)This masterwork weapon once belonged to the half-elf ranger Nelenwe, who vanished in the Dark Shrine of Evil.
- Shortspear (+1 weapon) (2310 gp)A masterwork weapon, wrapped in bronze wire.
- Spear (+3 weapon, Menacing) (32310 gp)This distinctive weapon is said to be imbued with the spirit of the gnome hero Zaghal, leader of the Circle of the Wand and Orb.
- Shortbow (+1 weapon)(2330 gp)This battered weapon is said to have been created to slay the Horror of the Gunulbad Spires.
- Sickle (+3 weapon, Impervious) (sheds light) (21306 gp)Foes slain by this weapon are consumed by phantom flames.
- Sleep Arrow x 30 (132 gp/per)
- Sling (+1 weapon) (sheds light) (2300 gp)
Potent Potables (run by Philaconnery)
- Oil of Mage Armor (cr, 50 gp)
- Potion of Bear's Endurance (cr, 300 gp)
- Potion of Burrow (um, 750 gp)
- Potion of Cat's Grace (cr, 300 gp)
- Potion of Displacement (cr, 750 gp)
- Potion of Endure Elements (cr, 50 gp)
- Potion of Guidance (cr, 25 gp)
- Potion of Resist Cold (3rd) (cr, 300 gp)
Katherdarin's Bulwark
- Breastplate (+1 armor, Defiant) (4350 gp)
- Chain Shirt (+1 armor) (1250 gp)A finely crafted armor, engraved with geometric patterns.
- Frost-forged Steel Scale Mail (2550 gp)
- Half-plate (+1 armor, Slick) (5500 gp)A masterwork armor, engraved with the holy symbol of Tempus.
- Hide (+4 armor, Brawling) (25165 gp)This masterwork armor demonstrates elven craftsmanship.
- Invincible Armor (137650 gp)This finely crafted armor once belonged to the great warlord Glasuntha, who perished in the March of the Broken Crown.
- Leather Armor (+1 armor, Dastard) (4160 gp)
- Living Steel Chain Shirt (600 gp)A distinctive armor that seems to shift out of the corner of your eye.
- Scale Mail (+3 armor) (9200 gp)This battered armor is said to be imbued with the spirit of the halfling warlord Elelung, leader of Raffolk's Ravens.
- Studded Leather Armor (+1 armor) (1175 gp)
- Tower Shield (+1 shield, Merging) (9180 gp)A distinctive shield, inlaid with gold.
Not Grellsville
Grey Ooze - 130 EXP
8 Quaggoth - 400 EXP
8 Quaggoth - 400 EXP
2x Grell Guards w/Lances - 400 EXP
5x Grell w/o Lances - 650 EXP
Grell Philosopher + 2 Grell Guards - 650 EXP
Grell Patriarch - 550 EXP
Returning Grokindarsin's Dagger - 300 EXP
5x Grell w/o Lances - 650 EXP
Grell Philosopher + 2 Grell Guards - 650 EXP
Grell Patriarch - 550 EXP
Returning Grokindarsin's Dagger - 300 EXP
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Carmenarin's Troll Toll
The Ramblings of Jobin late edition (map fixed, kinda-sorta)
Session notes 1/3by: Tomoe (Mickinzee)
Day 63:
- Carmarin highly suggests just sticking to the paths to the trolls
- Tomoe scouts out in front
- 2 ogres seen ahead, allowed to continue
- Ogres enter small cavern (5’ entrance) and meet up with 2 more ogres
- Party attempts to sneak past doorway to cavern
- Ortree fails to do so
- 1st ogre squeezes through tunnel
- Tomoe’s sneak attack finishes off ogre
- Remaining ogres pile into tunnel, pushing on both sides ensues
- Jobin kills 2nd ogre in tunnel (difficult terrain)
- Halforcs charge in, Tomoe follows eventually
- Remaining 2 ogres finished off with little trouble
- Slaverer Troll tribe
- Tomoe spots large troll and wolftroll
- Humanoid dancing light lures them to awaiting party
- 3 caverns
- 1st: 3 large trolls & 3 medium trolls
- Dagger w/runes (Later ID as +2 dagger)
- 2nd: Cavern smells really bad, 4 large, sick? trolls
- Ortree shoots at tentacle in pool in corner
- Otyugh found
- Later found out the otyugh is both intelligent and speaks Common
- Party shoots and runs, otyugh retreats
- 3rd: 3 large trolls & 3 medium trolls
- Cowl and Erol casts fire and acid spells, proceeds to steal many a kill
- Party finds out that they’ve been underselling loot (DM: Whoops, your WBL is more than fine anyway)
- Party rests in cabin for the night
- Party travels down connecting path between troll tribes
- Alternative path found between the two, smells awful
- Party decides to avoid for the time being
- Top Knot tribe
- 1 large troll and 1 wolftroll standing guard
- After much debate, party charges in
- 3 additional large trolls joins party
- 1st cavern: Empty (DM: There was a sinkhole)
- 2nd cavern: Appears empty, moss/fungus covering floors and walls, no intense search made
- 3rd cavern: 2 large trolls and 1 huge troll eating mushrooms from the wall
- Mushrooms ID as poisonous
- Jobin becomes large, Tomoe flanks, Rogtar aids
- Melee PCs retreat from huge troll
- Rogtar casts grease, huge troll fails repeatedly
- Ortree charges in, takes AO
- Tomoe and Jobin follow after, finish off troll
- Jobin and Cowl crit against huge troll
- Cowl and Erol continue trend of previous day
- Party returns to 2nd cavern
- Tomoe and Jobin scout deeper into cave, remaining party remains near entrance
- Large 2headed female troll emerges from wall & large pierced male troll springs from pile in corner, surrounding Tomoe and Jobin
- Female troll sends a fireball upon casters
- Erol unconscious; Rogtar, Cowl, Ortree severely injured
- Ortree has difficulty healing Rogtar
- Tomoe acrobatics around female troll to flank w/Jobin; quickly dispatched
- Similar system on male troll
OrTree's Journal 1/3
The party decides to identify the spear from Garundzer - 550gp
And purchase 2 x scrolls of delay disease, then heads back to the Underdark.
On their way to the Kill trolls in order to prove themselves to the Dark Gnome Carmenarin The party encounters a group of two ogres walking through the tunnels. The Party decides to not immediately engage with the hope that they might engage the trolls. After following the ogres for two-three hours. The Ogres headed towards the trolls, but take a small tunnel off the main tunnel and meet up with two additional Ogres. (ogre dinner time, much good to eat)
The party decides to sneak past the Ogres as it would be a good idea to deal with the mission at hand. Like I said the party decided to, Ortree on the other hand is unable to hear himself and the four Ogres decide dinner can wait. The party backs up into the main tunnel and flanks the entrance to the ogre lair. The lairs entrance was only 5ft wide and the party decides the best plan is to lure the ogres out and gank them with readied actions. Jobin trips the first ogre and Tomoe takes it down while flanking the ogre from.(no dinner for that troll) The rest of the ogres charged the party but by doing so ran straight into the tiny tunnel where the party made short work of them.
Masterwork Longsword - Sold
Scroll of Entangle - CL 8 - Sold
Scroll of Delay Poison - CL 8 - Ortree
Magical Punching Dagger +1 - Sold
The party continues down the main tunnel to the slather troll camp. Outside the camp the adventurers encounter a Troll and a Wolf Hybrid who appear to be roughly playing with each other (Best Friends forever). Tomoe Casts Dancing lights near the pair drawing the monsters towards the team. The party makes quick work of the Troll and his Wolf Hybrid Companion with Cowel and Erol both laying down some Fiery Acid goodness neither regenerate.(not even a little bit)
While scouting the area around the Slathers Troll Den Cowle smells water from two of the tunnels joining the main entrance: one cave smells of trolls the other smells of "nastiness" and trolls the party assumes it is the troll bathroom. Jobin would prefer to go to the nasty one first as he would prefer to get clean in the "non-poop" room Ortree wasn't paying attention and has no idea why they didn't follow Jobin's advice. The party decided to head to the non-"poop-room" first.
While sneaking through the tunnel to investigate the party makes a wide range of stealth checks. Several trolls (three large three medium) notice the party as they attempt to sneak up on them while they rest. The party engages said Trolls; Tomoe & Erol Quickly bring down one of the small trolls. Cowel charges in and uses his Acidic High Five to attack one of the trolls, the Troll retaliates via spiting on him and slashing him with his own claws resulting in quite a bit of damage to Cowel(Trolls… don't like high fives). The next round the party lays the smack down and brings down two of the larger trolls. The fight is finished off by Rotgar and Tomoe flanking the remaining troll bringing it down.
Pouch of gold - 400 gp
+2 Dagger
Potion of Bulls Strength - Jobin
The party then decides to investigate the smelly "poop" tunnel next. While entering the tunnel the party notices four large trolls clearing fungus off the walls. These trolls appear to be very sickly and the party decides to engage from afar, or attempt to at least. The party just isn't stealthy triggers combat. Combat begins and one of the trolls moves towards the party and spits an acidic goop hitting Tomoe temporarily blinding her in the process(OH so no now they spit). Erol and Cowel lay down a good amount of fiery and acid damage on the group of trolls allowing the party to strike down the trolls. (still no regeneration)
4000 gp
100 PP
+2 Heavy Mace - Ortree
+1 Heavy Shield - Ortree
While exiting the smelly tunnel the Party notices a moving tentacle coming out of the murky water. Ortree attempts to shoot the tentacle (totally not for experience) and Crits a "Sensory Organ" attached to a Otyuge. Congrats the party found an Otyuge. Rogtar is not impressed with this Otyuge as he has seen much larger Otyuges and intimidates it into to being shaken. The party fearing the smell and reach of the Otyuge begins to kite it its away from its home. The Otyuge is having no part of that and runs back to its watery home. The party shouts at it to come back because it speaks common. It ignores them.
The party rounds the next bend in the cave and encounters four smaller Trolls & two larger Trolls. One of the Trolls snaps a stalactite off the ceiling in order to use it as a weapon. A bunch of trolls rush the front of the party. Only to get RIP'd, by the party laying down the law & for Ortree to realize tanking is no fun.
450 gp
Troll Ear Bracelet - 450gp
Twenty minutes after departing the Slather Troll Den the party starts to see fungus growing on the walls progressivly getting thicker the apex of the fungi is at the mouth of a tunnel that was not on the map, Cowel was able to determine that the smell from the fungus is not troll based. The party decides to bypass the tunnel to quickly finish their mission. Heading further along their route the party arrives at the Top Knot Cave.
Arriving at the Top Knot Troll cave A troll and a Wolf Hybrid are guarding its entrance. The party decides to rush in in quickly destroying the two mobs Jobin trips the Troll, however in response the Troll gets a good swing in (party discovers Trolls are stronger while prone ) almost simultaneously Tomoe takes down the "Rending Jobin Troll". Three more trolls approach from inside the cave to greet the party. The party handles them pretty handily but takes quite a few hits.
Exploring the camp the party heads down one of the tunnels discovering three Trolls. One of the trolls is larger than the others and its skin has a grayish tone. Tomoe recalls she was told by Carmelarin that the fungus growing on the walls in this room is poisonous. Jobin drinks his Enlarge Person potion and charges in felling one of the trolls with the assistance of Erol(Erol and Cowle have all the kills). The Large Gray troll begins screaming so loudly that the party is unable to cast verbal spells while charging towards the group. Simultaneously the Second Troll becomes flanked by Rogtar and Tomoe, Tomoe brings the Troll down. Rogtar sees this massive gray troll "COMING RIGHT FOR US" and casts grease on the large Gray troll putting it prone(big man can't skate), the party descends on the Large Gray Troll and they bring it?(Him/Her) down quickly.
Lots of Poisonous Fungi (DM: Greengill) on the walls.
The party continues to explore the area after recovering and in one of the outlets of the cave the party sees fungus on the ground and Cowel comments that it smells nicer in this area and that "He likes it here". As the party enters the room with Jobin and Tomoe taking the lead they lock eyes troll female wearing Hide armor with two heads(one set of eyes for Tomoe, one set of eyes for Jobin). While the "stare down" is going second troll jumps up from underneath the moss and fungi, this troll is studded with gold and covered in jewelry.(IT appears this is a love nest)
The fight begins with a cast of fireball from the two headed troll landing square in the middle of the majority of the party. (24 damage to reflex failure) Erol is down. Tomoe bounces around the Two headed troll and waits for Jobin to get in range to perform a sneak attack and as he does the two get in great hits Cowel lands an acid arrow and the combination of hits bring the troll down. The second troll is quickly brought down by the party.
+2 Headband of Wisdom - Tomoe (until vendoring)
+1 Hide Armor
1800 gp
750 pp
600 gold of baubles
+2 short sword
2 flasks of Holy water
Scroll of Prayer
Scroll of Meld to stone
Scroll Conjure animals (DM: all @10th level)
Ogres (4) - 500 EXP
Slaverer Guard and Trollhound - 400 EXP
Slaverer Crab Fishers (3 big, 3 little) - 1100 EXP
Slaverer Disease Cave (4 big) - 1000 EXP
Slaverer Spear Cave (2 big, 4 small) - 900 EXP
Topknot Guard and Trollhound - 400 EXP
Topknot Sinkhole Trolls (3 big) - 800 EXP
Topknot Fungus Gorgers (2 big, 1 really big) - 1000 EXP
Greezelet and Hunk the treasure troll - 1150 EXP
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Holiday Double Header
Two parter over the holidays this time folks. Erol (Mark#2) has been out somewhere across the ocean and will return sometime in January (this just in, today). We had a 4 person session on 12/13, didn't play on 12/20, then I drove 20 hours in two days to make the game and get Andria back to work on Monday. Had an arduous surprise car repair in Coalinga, CA. Shout out to the worst smelling cow farm I've ever had the displeasure to drive through. Cows to the horizon, no exaggeration.
Unedited mess of notes below, will fix formatting shortly.
Session Notes 12/13
by: Tomoe (Mickinzee)
Day 27-47:
More Session Notes By Tomoe (12/27)
Day 53:
Approached by some Cleric from Tymorera
Requesting cash for a poor house. (1875 GP) (75gp for the food for hob goblins)
Players donated this amount
675 OrTree
200 Tomoe
10 Jobin
990 Party
Party Gives him gold ( received 1 Free D20 Re-Roll)
While visiting the Homestead
A group of mercenary lead by Ingram greets the party and offers to protect the homestead.
Three servants - Stevens, Carry, Sven.
The Party heads back to the mine in order to head down further into the mines.
The Party entering the mine notices a group of orcs in the mine that had been previously cleared
- Five orcs ( 3 Great Axe wilders 1 caster 1 unknown)
Party finds - 25g, and drums that appears to have the cover made of fungus.
After clearing the orcs the party decides to continue heading back down into the mines.
The party Stealthily heads down the mines
Opening the door using the keys the party found reveals a large group of orcs
The orcs are lined up behind three rows of cover - the far ranks are using javelins and in the rear of the orc party is two unique orcs - An orc Bard & and an Orc Cleric
Rotgar charges forward and spits hot fire (curses at the orcs) he successfully catches almost all the orcs one fire the orcs start taking burn damage as the party begins to cut through their ranks
When eight of the orcs including the bard are slain a loud voice yells "ENOUGH" from deep within the mine. The orcs dropped their weapons and darted away down the mine.
From the mine a giant gilled lizard being rode by an orage( Orc+ Ogre) wearing a glowing full plate mail with spikes sticking out of it wielding two lances.
The mob enters the room and thanks the party… for killing the weak orcs. He introduces himself as "Garundzer" and tells the party that he is happy the party came, to die.
After a rather lengthy fight Gardundzer and his month Skizz perish. The orcs that ran are in wonder of the party defeating the Gardunzer, after his defeat they appear to be coming out of some magic effect as they look around at the party.
Looking around the room the party sees a pin containing a dwarf (Snagger) & a human who is crouched on the ground non-reactive to the party. Snagger says the human has been silent since they arrived. He congratulates the party for killing Garundzer. Snagger was captured while on his way to Melbourne one month ago, he has been used as a slave to bring things up and down out of the mine. Snagger is Grizzliers Grandson.
Snagger saw Jenalith (the Mage that went missing during the first session). He was imprisoned with her forty days. She was carried off into the depths. Snagger also saw a party of halfling carried down as well. Snagger Also saw an elf man as well, carried down the mine as well.
An orc priest that survived the encounter told the party that the orcs were trading the captives with tentacle man beasts from below. The same priest is asked to return Snaggers equipment to him & does so.
Ortree- Crits a small child.
Rogtar uses his impressive intimidate skill to get the remaining orcs to lay down their arms
Rogtar discovers his brother drawn and quartered, he ties him to his back. Rogtar takes Mogtar with him (tied to his back)
Spear - Eye of Grunch on the spear - This Spear appears to have some strong mind control effect & grant those aligned with the user a morale bonus.
+1 Fullplate (Large)
Bag of Coins - 955 gp 65 pp
Trade goods - 265 gp
After looting the party reaches out to Parlafray to give him an update. The Part decides to head further into the tunnel. After a few hours into their journey a deep gnome Carmenarin a priestess of kaleradin smooth hands stops the party. She tells the party of a race of evil oppressive mind controlling aberrations that have been directing orcs to captures humanoids above. She warns that the illithads have defeated other parties before and does not want to earn their wrath by providing aid to the party. She does not want to tell the party anything without the party proving their worth/strength.
Carmenarin provides the party with a map of the area and some caves and gives the party their first task. Carmenarin asks the party to clear out troll caves nearby. She identifies two types of troll clans:
Top Knots - Have a knot tied into their hair on the top of their head, they are led by a two headed troll
Slather Tribe- are capable of spitting an acidic substance.
Carmenarin asks the party where the party is heading, they responded with the slather.
Due to player request, all EXP is being split to players absent from sessions to keep it even.
Rosestone Session
Hobgoblin Patrol in Great Rock Dale (6) - 370 EXP
Hobgoblin Village Racial Cleansing (10 hobs of varying ability) - EXP 700
Orcs in GRD (2 guards, 5 inside) - 500 EXP
Depths of Garlstone Session
Garlstone Mine Orc Guards (5) - 400 EXP
Orcs behind the door (15, 9~ish slain) - 700 EXP
Garundzer and Skizz - 1035 EXP
Unedited mess of notes below, will fix formatting shortly.
Session Notes 12/13
by: Tomoe (Mickinzee)
Day 27-47:
- Party stocks up, retrains as needed
- Erol stays at Thurmaster to retrain with Tauster
- Shopping list passed off to rest of party
- Remaining party travels to Baldur’s Gate to retrain and buy supplies
- After which Ortree returns to Milborne to stay at temple
- Jobin, Rogtar, Cowl, and Tomoe reunite at Parlfray’s Keep
- Lyntern informs party of a magical relic in Great Rock Dale
- Rosestone
- Probably located in NW corner
- Parlfray gives party a magical ring
- Acts as “sending” once per day to duplicate ring (in Parlfray’s possession)
- Party travels onward to the Murder Glade
- Area seems to be troubled by blight, no further information about specifics
- Shallow, muddy pond > nothing of significance found
- Paladin magic armor probably underground not enough magic to uncover or detect
- Defeated, party returns to Milborne
- Party seeks out Darius
- Reward mire flooding discussed
- Letter from Parlfray given to Darius
- Land granted
- Land “sufficient” reward for mire, no money recieved
- Darius willing to send guards and servants for new property
- Land use/name TBD
- Rogtar wants a bar for a second banjo duel
- Party sets out to the Great Rock Dale
- In NW corner, party descends
- Tall, dense forest covers ground
- Unable to detect the Rosestone from above
- Party descends (Cowl climbs, Rogtar & Tomoe use knotted rope fastened at top, Jobin uses Boots of Levitation)
- Trail soon found
- Tomoe finds small humanoid tracks, identified as hobgoblin
- Stealthing ahead Tomoe spots 6 hobgoblin further up the trail
- Cowl takes to the trees, Tomoe the woods, HalfOrcs the trail
- Failed bluffs lead to “surprise” betrayal
- Encounter: 5 hobgoblins killed, 1 captured
- Around twilight (post encounter) party travels off path to make camp
- Tomoe covers trail and scouts around
- Rogtar interrogates captured hobgoblin
- Rosestone is considered a sacred relic to Bane, located in a cave by village
- Village about 3 hours further down the path
- Tribe called Blackfoot
- Prisoner tied to tree left until party returns
- Tomoe stealths and scouts out camp
- Visable threats: 7/8 warriors & 3 archers in outposts
- Children and females seen milling about
- Village consists of ~7 relatively small buildings, cave into cliff behind village houses Rosestone
- Party waffles on how to approach/attack hobgoblin camp
- Tomoe stealths ahead (Cowl follow in trees at a distance)
- Encounter: 10 hobgoblin warriors
- 1 archer successfully stealthed and sneak attacked
- 2nd attempt fails, HalfOrcs come charging in
- One male (super unconscious) and one female (conscious) warrior left alive
- Party approaches Rosestone, touching it finds that it has healing properties
- Magic cabin summoned, Rosestone placed inside
- Female elder approaches party, asks if children should be murdered
- Agreed upon they shouldn’t, not agreed upon what should be done
- Tomoe Leave them be
- Rogtar Farmers
- Jobin Orphanage
- Elder tells party that she believes that the village will be unable to provide and protect itself from orc tribe, as the warriors were responsible for both
- Villagers sent out to retrieve hobgoblin tied to the tree
- Rest in cottage
- Party continues to debate what should be done with hobgoblins
- Party finds cave of orc tribe
- Rogtar really hates the orcs, convinces Jobin to feel the same
- Party decided to eliminate warriors of orc tribe for balance, supposedly
- 2 guards at mouth of entrance
- Halforcs charge in again
- Inside 5 more orcs encountered (1 bard, 1 magic user, 3 warriors)
- Jobin charges in
- Rogtar, in challenge to the other bard, sings a song that proceeds to set
- Tomoe acrobatics into place and sneak attacks
- Cowl gets to try out his new dragon claws people on fire
- After looting, party decides to leave both the hobgoblin village and orc tribe be
- Party returns to Milborne
More Session Notes By Tomoe (12/27)
Day 53:
- All of the party reunites in Milborne
- Ortree introduces Holyhew
- Holyhew trying to bulid a poor house in the name Tymora, requesting a donation 300 gp/PC
- Ortree 600 gp; Tomoe 200 gp; Joobin 10 gp; Party funds 690
- Each PC receives one d20 reroll
- Holyhew agrees to drop off food periodically to hobgoblin tribe while party is away
- Ortree pays 75 gp for food
- Party goes to check out new estate
- At estate, 3 guards and 3 servants are waiting
- Ingrin (head of guard) introduces and informs party of situation
- Servants: Stevens (Elf book keeper), Carrie (Halfling housekeeper), Sven (Human maintenance) 1 GP/day per servant (90 GP/month)
- Guards: 5 GP/day (150 GP/month)
- Darius paid for the first month’s service
- Party pays for an additional month in advance (240 GP)’Paid through Day 113
- New servants used to move and install the Rosestone onto the estate
- Estate name and function still TBD
- Party returns to Garlstone Mines
- Tomoe stealths and scouts ahead to find a party of (will be determined to be) orcs
- Party attacks orcs (1 cleric, 1 bard, 3 axe, 1 javelin)
- Party takes orcs by surprise
- Cowl proceeds to make use of his new claws
- Party unlocks the double door to walk into an army of orcs
- 15 minions, 2 casters in back
- Rogtrar sets nearly everyone on fire
- Jobin, Rogtar, and Tomoe proceed to clean up those who don’t burn to death
- After ~3⁄4 of orc forces finished, voice from back calls for a retreat
- Voice belongs to Garundzer (an orage) riding a large frilled lizard (called Skiz)
- Garundzer holdling an evil looking spear
- Jobin becomes large proceeds to hit Garundzer hard
- Tomoe falls unconscious in time for Rogtar to flank
- Ortree heals and Tomoe sneak attacks Skiz
- Garundzer attempts to flee
- Taken down with Tomoe’s flying dagger
- Spear: Tomoe identifies it belongs to something from the underdark, and somehow broken/corrupted, Jobin identifies “eye of Grummsh”
- Snagger (Drawf, grandson of Old Grizzler) found in cells of Orc tribe
- A human also found, appears to be catatonic
- Imprisoned for ~45 days, used for manual labor
- Saw Jellenith and halflings
- Speaks of seeing tentacled creatures (Mind Flayers)
- Party debates what to do with orc tribe
- Snagger want to kill them
- Party continues to waffle
- Seeks Parlfray’s advice, bows to party decision
- Ortree writes an ultimatum on his chalkboard in Orcish
- “Lay down your weapons or die”
- When no response, Ortree crits a small child
- Tribe much more willing to obey
- Tomoe finishes off male warriors
- Rogtar wanders off, only to find his brother (Magtar), missing all limbs, tied to a post
- Magtar begs for mercy, to end this embarrassment
- Rogtar disregards request, seeks to redeem via the pumpkin patch
- Magtar turned into a backpack for Rogtar
- Ortree debates on how to best equip Magtar with alternative false limbs
- Party travels deeper into mines only to be stopped by Carmerin, a deep gnome
- She is willing to help the party via info dump, if the party can prove it’s worth
- She has witnessed previous parties fail
- Worries that it draws the attention the Mind Flayers (Illithids) closer to the surface
- Asks the party to return in 7 days (about when the Illithids are expected back) with proper equipment
- Trip to Baldur’s Gate to restock
- Carmin sends party to deal with trolls
- Topknots: Lesser in number, stronger, smarter
- Leader 2 headed and magic
- Slaverers: More in number, less intelligent
- Ranged acid spit attack
- Decided as first target
The Ramblings of Jobin
The next session...
Ortree's Journal 12/27 Session Only
Requesting cash for a poor house. (1875 GP) (75gp for the food for hob goblins)
Players donated this amount
675 OrTree
200 Tomoe
10 Jobin
990 Party
Party Gives him gold ( received 1 Free D20 Re-Roll)
While visiting the Homestead
A group of mercenary lead by Ingram greets the party and offers to protect the homestead.
Three servants - Stevens, Carry, Sven.
The Party heads back to the mine in order to head down further into the mines.
The Party entering the mine notices a group of orcs in the mine that had been previously cleared
- Five orcs ( 3 Great Axe wilders 1 caster 1 unknown)
Party finds - 25g, and drums that appears to have the cover made of fungus.
After clearing the orcs the party decides to continue heading back down into the mines.
The party Stealthily heads down the mines
Opening the door using the keys the party found reveals a large group of orcs
The orcs are lined up behind three rows of cover - the far ranks are using javelins and in the rear of the orc party is two unique orcs - An orc Bard & and an Orc Cleric
Rotgar charges forward and spits hot fire (curses at the orcs) he successfully catches almost all the orcs one fire the orcs start taking burn damage as the party begins to cut through their ranks
When eight of the orcs including the bard are slain a loud voice yells "ENOUGH" from deep within the mine. The orcs dropped their weapons and darted away down the mine.
From the mine a giant gilled lizard being rode by an orage( Orc+ Ogre) wearing a glowing full plate mail with spikes sticking out of it wielding two lances.
The mob enters the room and thanks the party… for killing the weak orcs. He introduces himself as "Garundzer" and tells the party that he is happy the party came, to die.
After a rather lengthy fight Gardundzer and his month Skizz perish. The orcs that ran are in wonder of the party defeating the Gardunzer, after his defeat they appear to be coming out of some magic effect as they look around at the party.
Looking around the room the party sees a pin containing a dwarf (Snagger) & a human who is crouched on the ground non-reactive to the party. Snagger says the human has been silent since they arrived. He congratulates the party for killing Garundzer. Snagger was captured while on his way to Melbourne one month ago, he has been used as a slave to bring things up and down out of the mine. Snagger is Grizzliers Grandson.
Snagger saw Jenalith (the Mage that went missing during the first session). He was imprisoned with her forty days. She was carried off into the depths. Snagger also saw a party of halfling carried down as well. Snagger Also saw an elf man as well, carried down the mine as well.
An orc priest that survived the encounter told the party that the orcs were trading the captives with tentacle man beasts from below. The same priest is asked to return Snaggers equipment to him & does so.
Ortree- Crits a small child.
Rogtar uses his impressive intimidate skill to get the remaining orcs to lay down their arms
Rogtar discovers his brother drawn and quartered, he ties him to his back. Rogtar takes Mogtar with him (tied to his back)
Spear - Eye of Grunch on the spear - This Spear appears to have some strong mind control effect & grant those aligned with the user a morale bonus.
+1 Fullplate (Large)
Bag of Coins - 955 gp 65 pp
Trade goods - 265 gp
After looting the party reaches out to Parlafray to give him an update. The Part decides to head further into the tunnel. After a few hours into their journey a deep gnome Carmenarin a priestess of kaleradin smooth hands stops the party. She tells the party of a race of evil oppressive mind controlling aberrations that have been directing orcs to captures humanoids above. She warns that the illithads have defeated other parties before and does not want to earn their wrath by providing aid to the party. She does not want to tell the party anything without the party proving their worth/strength.
Carmenarin provides the party with a map of the area and some caves and gives the party their first task. Carmenarin asks the party to clear out troll caves nearby. She identifies two types of troll clans:
Top Knots - Have a knot tied into their hair on the top of their head, they are led by a two headed troll
Slather Tribe- are capable of spitting an acidic substance.
Carmenarin asks the party where the party is heading, they responded with the slather.
Due to player request, all EXP is being split to players absent from sessions to keep it even.
Rosestone Session
Hobgoblin Patrol in Great Rock Dale (6) - 370 EXP
Hobgoblin Village Racial Cleansing (10 hobs of varying ability) - EXP 700
Orcs in GRD (2 guards, 5 inside) - 500 EXP
Depths of Garlstone Session
Garlstone Mine Orc Guards (5) - 400 EXP
Orcs behind the door (15, 9~ish slain) - 700 EXP
Garundzer and Skizz - 1035 EXP
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