Day Tracker
Start: Day 85, travel back to Gnomehome for Erol's restorations and various retraining.
Arrive at Juiblex area on Day 94.
End: Day 95 after resting off slime bathing.
The Ramblings of Jobin

Lurker and babies (2) - 800 EXP
Black Puddings (2) - 1060 EXP
Kranin and Air Bros (2 Invisible Stalkers) - 2130 EXP
Circumventing the fetid slime path via false wall - 500 EXP
Shrine 2x(Slithering Tracker, Grey Ooze, Mustard Jelly, Black Pudding) Juiblex Idol - 2500 EXP
Smashing (sanctifying?) the shrine and profaned diamonds - 1000 EXP
Rakshasha Rukh (weakened) - 800 EXP
Rakshasha Rukh (weakened) - 800 EXP
DM Notes
After some technical prompting by the crew and Mark/Rogtar bringing a nice flatscreen T.V. we've made the switch to a significantly more high-tech tactical map. In that it is now on the flatscreen overlaid with a 5 ft. grid in Roll20. This presents a few problems from a DM'ing standpoint as now I don't have quite the ease in changing and adapting maps as previously. On the plus side we save a considerable amount of time in not drawing maps if I set em up ahead of time. More prep for a significant increase in playtime seems fine.
We're also still getting used to shifting the map about while maintaining the zoom level needed for the grid to accept our figs. May switch to manipulating the scouting pawn (uh, Tomoe) in Roll20.
Now if we could just get Chris/Cowl to stop photographing his character sheet we'd ascend to level 3 uber-nerds.
Kranin was killed after his interrogation for being a bad person and a worse liar. The Rukh was not. Paladins.
Sadly, Saturday's rescheduled session due to Valentines will be Mark/Erol's last as the weather in Seattle apparently isn't similar enough to England and he is fleeing the country. I joke. Cya man, it has been a great time!
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