Sunday, August 28, 2016

Exploring Ruins is an Adventurer's Prerogative so it isn't Really Trespassing, Further Disruption of the Delicate Sunless Sea Ecosystem

Session Notes #33 - 8/21
George (Talon) was out this session. No session next week due to PAX. Nothing else new for now!

Day Tracker
Start Day 222 - talking with Szandur
Stop Day 223 -  Shopping in BG

The Ramblings of Jobin
Szandur is the gnome we captured last session. She has been studying the Aboleth's methods of domination for some length of time in the Sunless Sea.
She seems confused why we invaded her home, we are confused why she is here
There are five towers that are weaving together different schools of magic to perform a ritual spell for mass domination
She was rather grumpy about us invading her home. She explained some of the ways she has been able to scry into the Aboleth's city.
She also explains how she was able to protect her home from scrying
We recover Talon and he points out he found the elven ruins we were initially looking for in this area
Talon stays with the horses (George isn't here), while the rest of the party goes to explore the underwater city
It looks like some great cataclysm hit the city causing it to sink under the sea
While scouting the party is attacked by 3 giant moray eels. While their bites are ferocious the party quickly routes them
The party continues exploring the ruins and notices that they are the same architecture as the smooth caverns (Kasatha)
Fin pings Tomoe that there is a large evil aquatic creature ahead
Out from behind us a huge snake / elephant underwater creature attacks us (grootslang)
It teleports into the middle of us and body slams 3 of the party with its massive chest
Ortree's Sacred Shield blocks a fair portion of the damage
Jobin smites the beast and unleashes a flurry of blows
His sword becomes a 2d blade and he uses it to slice up the beast. Tomoe then unleashes a round of attacks causing the beast to implode pushing the party away 30 feet
The beast still stands (floats) and is now showing a second copper layer of screen with a metallic sheen.
It is angry
It rushes forward and bites Jobin before retreating
Rogtar teleports Or'Tree and Jobin to the front of the battle where the creature unleashes a massive blast of electricity
Thanks to Or'Tree's earlier prayer causes Rogtar's glitterdust to blind the beast
Jobin continues to hit the creature with his now 3D sword
Tomoe rolls (swims) in and delivers a double dagger stab
The creature retaliates with a lightning blast stunning Jobin and teleports away
After healing a bit the adventurers explore the creature's lair. We find a "Crown of Conquest" which Jobin puts on
We continue exploring the city. We are soon faced with a ethereal kasatha with a song on its lips. It seems hostile so Rogtar counters the song
The Banshee(?) joins the fight and a group of drowning devils (Sarglagon) join the fight as the sides close
She claws Jobin who is immune to fear and negative energy so she looks sad
Cowl's wand of batter blast sets up Jobin for the kill, he unleashes a flurry of blows on the Banshee
More combatants join the battle, these appear to be Hezrou demons (toad demons) which exude a noxious cloud around them and have some spellcasting abilities
Battle ensues, the hezrous throw chaos hammers and blasphemy around showing that they are basically the antithesis of Jobin
Cowl unleashes another chain of acid blowing up one of the drowning devils
Seeing the battle going bad, Rogtar dimension doors the party away
The group retreats to Szandur's island and offers to bring her things from town. She requests some fries. (She requests you stay the hell away and never return!)
While flying out Tomoe spots a pile of bone with glints of metal in it near a large hole. Jobin pulls a thing out of his bag a (yeth hound) who is commanded to fetch the metal from the pile. (twas coins!)
We then tell the Yeth to explore the hole, but it never returns

Drove off the Grootslang - 15.3k
Kasatha Banshee - 5.1k (nerf bards)
Fled the underwater demon/devil joint attack after poofing one- 2k

 DM Notes
Not mentioned above: The drowning dead (Sarglagon) feature a "fun" effect that functionally increases PC's weight load. Who likes slow underwater combat? Bonus points for killing an incorporeal creature with a slashing weapon (1/4 damage).

I think the next encounter will feature demons capable of re-writing history such that all party members are, and always have been, geriatric halflings.

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