No session last week as I was running some promotional Thornwatch games.
Talon (George) has departed the game with the classic "don't say anything, just stop showing up" move. Not wishing to continue a campaign is one thing, but this is really not the way to handle it. Don't be this sort of person when you're gaming folks.
Day Tracker
Start Day 225 - Preparing for the assault
Stop Day 225 - Departing from third strike
The Ramblings of Jobin

Allying with the Swords of Light, the renegade Illithids, and the Derro (sorta) - 30k
First Strike on NW wall - 7x Illithids, 2x Medium Warped Servitors, 2x Large Servitors, 1x Small Servitor, 2x Dominated Human Archers, 1x Derro Manhunter, 1x Derro Mage Sniper - 70k
Second Strike on S gate in tandem with Derro/Illithid- Destroying the entry pools/gate - 10k + 11x Derro Guardsmen - 11kThird Strike on NW breach- nada, repelled
DM Notes
With Talon's departure we're at 4 players, a little sub where I'd like to be. Unfortunately, with things so far progressed it isn't really feasible to
add a new member to the group so we'll have to soldier on through the
last few sessions of the campaign. In keeping with their theme of not using any NPCs that 1. don't come out of a bag, or 2. don't have a sense of hearing, the party has decided to leave Talon offstage and let him manage the dominated Derro.
Party's Forces - led by Talon, lieutenanted by Jelenneth and Geronmen: 4 Derro Experiments, Abjuration Savant, Arcanist, Mage Sniper, Pyromaniac
Illithid Forces - led by Ipshizeen, lieutananted by Sausita the Crimson Mantis rogue - 6 Illithid, 5 Fomorian Giants, 10 Beastmen
Swords of Light - led by Lilianth - status unknown
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