Saturday, December 12, 2015


Session Notes 12/6
by: OrTree - Chris

Day 26:
Arrive at Keep After 2 Days travel - Keep has 100 Feet all around that is cleared forest.  The walls are 15 feet tall and there is a crushed tower. 
·         The land has been blighted around the keep - it is unnatural
o    "it's unnatural, that ain't right"
·         Tomoe scouted the keep
o    Keep has a room full of 3 Guards sleeping and 1 dog
o    The tower has 1 guard
·          Party crosses the field and uses the ladder from the Robe of Many things to get onto the second floor.
o    Erol can't climb ladders and begins cursing. (bad Stealth check)
·         Tomoe hears the guards waking up
·         Rogtar & Jobin engages the guards via jumping down in the guardroom
o    Erol trys to color spray an older guard with a great sword and ends up providing him a sweet entry
o    Sweet Entry ends up calling out the dogs and is brought down with an arrow from Ortree
o    Dogs and "bandits" surround Rogtar & Jobin in the guard room
o    Cowl jumps down from the side of the keep and color sprays the dogs and bandits in front of the door taking down most of the party.
·         "DON’T JUMP IN THE WELL!"
o    Area is cleared - Jobin pins a bandit against the wall with a table using bull rush.
·         During search the Party finds  "Heydruss"
o    Heydruss says the BANDITS were kidnapping people
·         Balrat  was an evil bandit running the group (Party Killed him)
·         Jennelith came through the area ( or someone who looked like Jennelith)
·         Heydruss makes a map of the dungeon
o    Ranchefus, the Cleric that attacked the party earlier (Session 2) is hiding in the dungeons

·         Loot
o    +1 Light Crossbow - Cowl
o    15x +2 Bolts - Cowl
o    +1 Bastard Sword
o    +1 Ring of Protection - Jobin
o    Bracer of Armor +3  - Cowl
o    +1 Short Bow  - Tomoe
o    +1 Short Sword

The Party finds out that there is dungeon/basement under the keep. They find two entrances and the party barricades one entrance. The party finds a second entrance under the tower, they head downstairs
·         The Party heads down the stairs and discover a secret door.
·         Opening the secret door  reveals 4 zombies and Ranchefus
o    Jobin rushes in and Smites Ranchefus, laying down the Smitey justice of Yondala. 
(Poor Ranchefus, he had all kind of wondrous things to show you before he got merc'd in a round, that initiative!)
·         Ranchefus called for help and 2 Orcs with the same symbol that attacked the party before appeared (Skull with Crossbow bolts through the eyes)
o    The rooms these enemies were in were very well furnished.
o    Ortree takes the skull of Ranchefus and swears it’s a spell. (What the heck are you going to do with his skull, lol)
o    Searching Ranchefus's room, Tomoe discovers a tunnel heading into the earth
o    The PARTY interrogates an ORC that survived and he gives up his clan's name and location.
·         ALTAR OF TORM DESECRATED with 2 zombies guarding it - zombies are slain
·         Wizard quarters are searched
·         A skeleton wearing a golden ring of Lower Planar Resistance (+2 Resistance bonus to saves against all effects originating from (Evil, Outsiders)
·         AT THE SAME TIME
·         While investigating the area the party named "Prison" the party is ambushed by a slim crazy looking women with black hair drops down and attacks Tomoe and Erol
·         Erol, Tomoe & Cowl manage to take down the black haired lady
·         Searching the room they find a coffer & dwafish runes - detailing a new NPC Snag
·         Jobin and Rogtar investigate the toilet see a lady hiding in the trash pit 
·         Jobin and Rogtar Slay the Trash Lady
·         Rogtar in a rush for the storeroom opens the door and a giant rat appears
·         Rogtar does smash-ru and it does in one blow
·         In the Storeroom there is nothing of interest just garbage/broken items.
·         The party investigates a room called "Dead Things"
·         In this room there are bones that appeared to be burned in some way. There are piles of rusted and useless armor strewn throughout the room.
·         Searching the area Tomoe finds a locked secret door in the corner of the map.
·         IT’S A TRAP - very cold breeze hits the party
·         There is a chest full of phat loot - however it is trapped
·         Loot
·         Lower Planer Ring - Cowl
·         Poison Needle Trap
·         Two bags of coins - 945 gp 285 pp
·         Small pouch of gems (opals) 2k gp
·         Wizards Spellbook (presumably)- GM has info of spells - Erol
(Spellbook Contents)
1 Air Bubble
Detect Secret Doors
Moment of Greatness
Expeditious Retreat
Shocking Grasp
2 Protection from Chaos, Communal
Fire Sneeze
Shadow Anchor
See Invisible
3 Mad Monkeys
Twilight Knife
·         Jade Scroll Tube 200g -
·          Scroll of Dispel magic, Melf's acid, and Hold Person CL 7 - Cowl
·         Ranchefus - had
·         +2 Chainmail 
·         Wings of Flying
·         Heavy Mace
·         Decanters - 200g
·         Coffer  containing -
§  600gp
§  Small pouch with 150pp
§  Exquisite platinum bracelet
§  SWEET Key for door in the cave fisher cave
§  Two Silver flasks of Fishy liquids
·         Charcoal Lady Coffer -
§  60gp - 40pp
§  Large collection of small trinkets -
·         Orcs - had
·         Silks - 400g
·         Silver fox furs - 1500g
·          +1 Battle Axe

The Ramblings of Jobin
Broken Spire Top Fight -
3 rogues, 3 warriors, 3 underlings, Balrat, Wilmors, 4 dogs - 1350 EXP

Basement Fight -
Ranchefus, orc, slightly larger orc, 4 zombies - 550 EXP

Basement Cleanup - Trash archer, zombies leftovers, sneaky jail rogue, 2 traps - 350 EXP
Clearing out the keep/determining where the kidnapping victims are going - 500 EXP

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Lured Into Darkness and Obscuring Mist, The Fight for Garlstone Mine, Tunnel to...?

Session Notes 11/29
by: Tomoe - Mickinzee
Day 22 (cont.):
  • Tomoe heals back up, continues to stealth in front
  • 2nd level lit, walls lined with blue crystals
  • Main pathway
    • Shed in middle of junction, 2 systems on right, 1 path leads further down
      • Ground beyond shed multicolored speckles on ground, ¾ movement
      • 1st on right, lake with black blob in middle, mace shape column to ceiling
        • Tomoe sees the water and leaves
      • 2nd on right, natural cave system, cave fisher spotted
        • No halfling so cave left alone
      • Tunnel further down leads to terrible smelling area with ear shaped depression
        • Tomoe runs into two human zombies, party rushes in
        • Man (Imrin) and woman (Shilek) voice being heard further into cave system
          • Woman yells “banana”
        • 2 more human zombies approach from deeper into the cave, 3 goblin zombies approach from behind
          • Lightning sand traps one of each
      • Half-Orcs rush in, 4 more humanoid zombies, and red headed man (Imrin) seen; woman’s voice heard
        • Half-orcs rush out
      • Party waits 5 minutes
        • Tomoe stealths in then nopes out after seeing a zombie ambush and a woman on the ceiling
        • Erol vanishes Rogtar and Jobin who rush in to attack man
        • Tomoe takes defensive position against zombies
      • Obscuring mist, everyone falls unconcious, some get back up to fall unconcious again
        • Surprise, Tomoe is a humanoid fox (no one sees transformation)
        • Zombies taken out
        • Shilek taken out by final attack from a staggered Tomoe
        • Imrin knocks out party with final channel, TPK?
    • Cowl wakes up 2 hours later to find entire party and Imrin passed out on the ground
      • All the cure potions used to wake up the party
      • Jobin ties up Imrin, proceeds to carry him out of cave
      • Jobin also finds dead halfling in his backpack
    • Loot: +2 sickle, +2 chainmail, Boots of Levitation, Silver & Sapphire “J” pendant (100gp), Scroll of remove paralysis (2x), Leomund's Desirable Residence (specific mechanics need to be described), guilded key,+1 chainmail, +1 heavy steel shield, Robe of useful items, Boots of speed, +2 Bastard sword, +2 Splintmail, platinum ring (200 gp), Gold ring (25 gp), 37 gp, Silver ring (100 gp)
Encounter: 8x Human zombies, 3x goblin zombies, Imrin (captured), Shilek
  • Party meets up with Kuiper, then passes out
Day 23:
  • Attempts to interrogate Imrin fails
    • Cowl smells fishy smell on him
    • Silently recognized +2 Heavy Flail Jobin is carrying
  • Party returns to cave system
    • Dancing lights attract large fish from lake
      • Tomoe keeps a safe distance from the water
    • Tomoe uses a barbed arrow grapples black blob floating in lake & Jobin reels in mass of decomposing body
      • Jobin buries body
      • Loot: Brooch of Shielding
    • Party returns to the room of death
      • Jobin smashes the evil alter, turning it into an evil pile of rubble
      • Tomoe finds a switch that opens a secret passageway that leads deeper into the caves
    • Party proceeds into cave system, heading south and deeper
      • Side tunnel heading SW lit, leads to large double doors
        • 34 Disable device not enough
        • Guilded key from Shilek unlocks one door
          • Both doors need to be unlocked to open
      • Other tunnel continues S, not lit
        • Party travels for 3 hrs into tunnel, no variation
    • Detect magic flashes in cave fisher room
      • Has loot so must die
      • 1st cave fisher killed by magic missiles and arrows
      • 2nd cave fisher “surprises” Rogtar and Jobin, reels them towards itself
        • Rogtar and Jobin cool with that, heading that way anyways
      • Loot: +1 Padded Armor, 100’ cave fisher rope (needs to be treated)
Encounter: 2x Cave fishers
  • Party returns to Kuiper
    • Kuiper suggests that Parlfray should deal with Imrin
    • Party returns to Kuiper’s farm to retrieve horses, spends the night
Day 24:
  • Thurmaster:
    • Stop in to see Tauster
      • Tauster has partially fix ring of water elemental command
        • Doesn’t believe that flooding will be an issues anymore
        • Can function as a ring of waterwalking
        • Ring needs a higher level practitioner and/or contact with an being from the water elemental plane
  • Parlfray’s Keep
    • Parlfray will execute Imrin, but is willing to wait 10 days to let the party try and charm him
      • Parlfray awards party 1000gp, with the other half coming after winged cleric is dealt with (DM Note)
    • Lintern:
      • Still wants to go with the party, party still torn
        • Rogtar & Ortree: Come with us
          • Ortree really does need a new god
        • Cowl: Follow your dreams
        • Jobin, Erol, Tomoe: Nope
      • Jobin trips Lintern
      • Lintern tries to convince the party he’s stealthy
      • Party “convinces” Lintern to stay behind to read “all those books”
        • Find out more information on tunnel underneath Haranshire
        • Jobin leave Lintern his warhammer
    • Party heads SW to Thornwoods
      • Everyone sees Lintern following the party
      • Tomoe sent to crush Lintern’s dreams
        • Tomoe stealths back, waiting to ambush Lintern, party proceeds for 10 minutes then waits
        • Arrow shot in front of Lintern’s horse
          • Horse throws Lintern off, then bolts
          • Lintern threatens the woods and then stands ready for a few minutes
        • Lintern attempt to follow party again, another shot in front of him
          • Lintern charges into the woods
          • Tomoe calls him back
            • Confused about “bandits”=Tomoe
            • Shamed into going home, probably crying, throws down warhammer
        • Tomoe returns to party, no regrets
The Ramblings of Jobin
Shilek, Imrin, 8 human zombies, 3 goblin zombies - 950 EXP
Two defenseless, hungry cave fishers - 200 EXP
Clearing Garlstone Mine in one go - 500 EXP
Burying the dead - Jobin 100 EXP
DM Notes

Details on Leomund's Desirable Residence
This small ceramic model of a rude cottage grows into a building conjured by a Secure Shelter spell twice per week for up to 16 hours and can hold up to 1,000 lbs. in its shrunken form. Anyone inside when the duration ends is instantly given candy. In addition to the furnishings included in the spell description the cottage also contains a small wooden chest holding the following:

2,200 GP
Particularly fine gems - Sapphire 500gp, Emerald 700gp, Fire Opal 300gp
Arcane scrolls of: web, scorching ray, mirror image, dispel magic, globe of invulnerability-lesser, control vermin, cone of cold, all scribed at CL 11.
Wand of Wall of Ice - 7 charges left
Two silver flasks of the same fishy smelling enchantment liquid, one empty

(OOC, Out of Character)
So I wasn't super happy with how things worked out during the last moments of the fight with Shilek and Imrin, I imagine some of you weren't either. While Imrin did have an active "Aid" spell going, I didn't realize until a moment of fridge logic later that evening that the temp hp from this sort of things goes first, and isn't removed afterward barbarian rage style. So he'd totally have been alive to ship you off to evil land at 2 hp. Without going into story breaking detail, the remainder of the campaign would've been short lived barring an even more ridiculous bit of deus ex machina and significant alterations to the storyline I frankly wasn't capable of at the time to continue play that evening.

As the fight was incredibly close and the alternatives leave us poor options for continuing, I'm fine with leaving things as-is, just wanted to let everyone know and I welcome your feedback.