Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Double Trouble Rumble in the Keep Update Chris (Larien) and Dustin (Mautilis) Sessions 7/15 and 7/22

Chris (Larien) 1372c Year of Wild Magic, Day 10-11, Marpenoth

DAY BEFORE: How I got here

It’s not that I regret being a mercenary. It’s good times. I get to travel, meet interesting people, and there’s always someone that deserves to get blasted into oblivion. It’s good money too…
But lately? The quality of my, shall we say “compatriots” has been lacking.

This week, for instance, Parlfray says that he had some work for me. Something about his ancestral home and bandits. The old man always pays well though, so I wasn’t really worried about the details. I arrived to discover that I had been teamed up with tweedle dee and tweedle fucking moron. Again… These two guys almost got me killed on the last job I went on with them. Their version of checking for traps on artifacts is “Oh, I’ll just stick my hand in it!” Almost got their damn hand cut off, and still triggered the trap in the room. Here’s hoping this time is different.

DAY ONE: Meeting my new best friends

Luckily, it turned out that we were only part of a larger group of hired help. Parlfray has apparently worked with these guys before and they’ve gotten results. From the looks of them, they can probably handle themselves. They even have a healer with them! Looks like these guys are in it for the long haul, which is good. Get rich quick types usually just end up getting dead quicker.
We met up with a local Ranger named Cooper too. This must be fairly important if there is so much man power being put into this. I should get some more details on what we’re actually doing here.

DAY TWO: Assault on fortress where nothing could go wrong

Well. I was right. The other two fucked up the plan almost immediately. Though, I’ll be honest, it wasn’t a great plan. It took five tries to get the core concept down, and even then SOMEONE failed to mention that my job was physically impossible…I can cut chains and make gates fall open. I cannot levitate gates that are designed to be lifted! Somebody dropped the ball. I’m inclined to blame that Halfling. Seems like things that should be mentioned.

Anyway. We sent a small contingent around the back to take out the guard tower. The rest of the party waited across the field for our signal. Unfortunately, (Guys name) triggered a trap almost immediately and alerted the guys in the keep to their presence. Totally shocked! Man, I hate those guys. Apparently he almost died, because he set off ANOTHER trap almost immediately afterwards. Got shot into the air and impaled on a spear. Lucky that healer was around. He seems alright.

 Felisin, who is batshit insane btw, made it around to the back with Alton, the Halfling. We manage to scale the wall with Altons rope, and begin sneaking across the roofs to take out the tower and open the gate. We quickly realized, well “I” quickly realized, that the plan wasn’t going to work, since the gate mechanics were not adequately researched. But we made do.

Using the ropes, we managed to get Cooper and then, slowly, the rest of the party, up onto the roofs. I provided covering fire with Felisin from the rooftops while our healer jumped into the fray (yes, you read that right) leaving our professional warrior watching from the rooftops grumbling about strategy or something. Apparently, though, being healed had inspired an insane amount of loyalty in (guys names), but no extra intelligence, because the two dumbasses leaped to the defense of Hawkeye with zero forethought. They took on several guys, as well as guard dogs, and quite frankly if it hadn’t been for Cooper they would have gotten slaughtered. Felisin and I rained down death and destruction from above the whole time. 

She may have taken it a BIT too far with the lighting of every flammable surface on fire, but you can’t argue with her results. It all, sort of, worked out, but I’m really worried about Mautilis, the Warblade. Pretty sure this guys has seen some shit, and he kind of froze up. Might have to relegate him to carrying the supplies and watching the horses until he gets his shit together. Everyone kept saying that “Susan” was doing that, but they kept just letting the horses wander around with this pony alone. Really bad idea.

Anyway, after we cleared out the fort, we managed to capture one of the bandits and discovered that the real power behind the group was holed up in the basement. Looks like the fun is just getting started!

If we make it through this, I’m going to see about getting away from (Those guys names) and joining up with these guys. Pretty sure Hawkeye and Alton would be interested. Felisin probably wouldn’t notice beyond the average amount of combustible material in her vicinity rising slightly. Mautilis may not be aware of what’s actually going on right now. Still not quite sure what happened back there.

Dustin (Mautilis) Day 11-12 - the next session
(ed. After a flammable fake hostage situation, the party gets some info from Heydrus, the bitch boy for the bandits in charge of the keep. He scrawls them a map of the basement where the priest of Cyric is holed up. The party ties him up despite his pleas to flee. Kuiper keeps an eye on both Heydrus and the courtyard from a rooftop while the party descends.)

“Should we leave?”



One week later.

“Fires are still burning?”

“We really fucked them up. The doors I mean."

“Yeah… Hey. Map indicates stairs. We totally forgot about this one room or two. I bet that’s where the stairs are.”

“K. Let’s check it out.”

Alton pushes everyone aside. “I’ll lead the way, guys!”

“To the ancient evil? Sure fine."

Two minutes later.


“Fuckin shit balls.” Mautilis jumps down.


Felisin and others follow. “I’ll burn a dog!” she says. Dog is burnt, and allows us to see what would appear to be a zombie conga line.

“Ai yi yi yi yi yi yi!”

“Wait, what was that?”

“Kuiper’s battle cry.”

“He has a battle cry?”

“Maybe he’s actually crying.”


“You guys handle the zombies and all that."

Alton, Larry, and Felisin (ALF) go back up to check on Kuiper, who was keeping watch on the surface, near the gate. Larry sees two orcs run towards the front gate; turning the corner, Kuiper is in trouble, prone, spread eagle, and at the mercy of the orcs and their battle axes.

“Don’t worry Kuiper, we’ll sa—…no? Let him die? You got it.”

“I didn’t say that.”


Someone mutters a word sharply in a strange language, causing the area to be filled with a black fog.

“The hell is going on!” Alton goes blind.

“OMG.” Felisin’s jaw drops. “Guys. You’re not going to believe this.”

“You’re like Red Herring in a Pup Named Scooby Doo except with even less supporting evidence?”

“No, can you not hear it? It’s the flapping!”

“Flapping! Well call the fucking coast guard.”

“No, yes, they can help with the ship.”

“You…you’re like Don Quixote, except there’s not even a windmill to imagine into a monster. It’s like you’re seeing windmills instead of the actual enemies that are real. You’re a reverse Don Quixote. That’s the worst kind of Don Quixote.”

Alton nods fervantly. “Yes, it’s the ship, I can see it! It’s there!” Alton is pointing at bloated body lying next to the well. He laughs like a child, full of wonderment. “I totally see it! Flap flap! Flap flap flap! HAHAHAA!” Blind, guys. He's blind.

“Smoothing sailing from here on out, guys!"

Naw but seriously, Felisin fucked that floating guy up, the zombie conga line vanished, and we gots some serious loot. Also some keys.

“Give me wings and I’ll fly down the poop hole.” — Alton

Session Loot Recap

(ed. After leaving the keep with heaps of loot Jeff and Chris put up a shared excel doc with all the items. The party kinda sorta voted on who got what by vote then random rolls and debate determined in case of ties, full loot list and char sheets below.)

EXP- Party Rewards
Battle for the Keep: EL9 900EXP for all party members and Jahn/Tamer
4 dogs and 10 bandits

Dungeon Battle: EL9 936EXP for all party members and Jahn/Tamer
1 crazy lady, 2 dogs, 1 Cyricist Flyingdutchman, 2 orcs, zombie conga line

EXP- RP and Individual Goals
Alton managing to get through a field full of traps 5 times in a row with some lucky rolls- 25EXP
Mautilis RP steadfastly refusing to participate in a plan he didn't like- 50EXP
Felisin surviving- 50EXP

Ongoing Points of Interest Log

  • Discover the purpose of the bandit/Cyricist/Orc presences in Haranshire.
  • Parlfray Keep/Howlers Moor- Dwarf congregation missing. (Count Parlfray)
  • Shar's evil priest slaying Parlfray's men in Hardlow woods long ago(TOG)
  • Demihumans in The Great Rock Dale (TOG)
  • Shiraz in the Eelhold (from Garyld)
  • Determining the cause of the New Mire spread (Carman)
  • Issues with remains of goblin tribe
  • Shrieken Mire? (TOG)
  • Exploring Garlstone Mine
  • What happened to Houra?

Monday, July 14, 2014

Jeff (Alton) Session Notes 7/7/2014

1372c Year of Wild Magic, Day 8-10, Month of Marpenoth (October)

The party started the session by brutally murdering a poor, defenseless stalactite (ed. Piercer) after it tried to kill Alton. After their glorious victory, the party split up - Hawkeye and Mautilus went off to interrogate the bound prisoner in the Flitch while Alton, Houra, and Felisin descended into the lower levels of the cave.

Scouting ahead, Alton caught a glimpse of something shiny and tried to skirt the edge of a pool to retrieve it. Unfortunately, the pool was home to a giant goddamn sea snake, which grabbed him in its jaws but was no match for his superior halfling strength. Felisin wasn’t quite as lucky, and was dragged into the water while rushing to Alton’s aid. While Alton and Felisin heroically retreated, with Houra doing his invisibility thing, Hawkeye heard the commotion and hurried to assist (Mautilus stood around upstairs). While Hawkeye escorted the badly wounded Alton and Felisin to the cave’s mouth in order to heal, Houra took over scouting duties and investigated. He was never seen again.

(ed. Lacking the party resources for a rez, Chris will return next session with a new PC)

(Although the party doesn’t know, Houra found the zombie overseers, and considered engaging them, but thought better of it and continued his investigation. He eventually wandered into the Crab Petals, a chamber with sticky strands across it, and got caught by a spider-crab-lobster on the wall. After an epic struggle, including some quality axe-swinging, he managed to escape its grasp; unfortunately, he walked into another strand and was devoured by another one of the creatures. Spider-crab-lobsters: 1, our heroes: 0).

The surviving members of the party quickly realized that the sea-snake was poisonous. Felisin and Alton agreed that, lacking a competent doctor nearby, they must return to town (Hawkeye’s suggestion, cutting off all of Felisin and Alton’s limbs, was met with reluctance). The travelling cleric is happy to assist, for a fee, and the wounded party members are completely healed.

Deciding that the cave is too big a threat to handle immediately, the party shifted their focus to the keep in the Thornwood.

After setting up camp in the woods near the keep, the party surveilled the entrance to the fortress for two days. Eventually, Alton volunteered to go in for a closer look; despite some bad luck with a grappling hook, he eventually scaled the wall and was able to get some info, including size, layout, and building materials.

The party arranged to meet Kuiper at the keep in two days’ time, although Kuiper doesn’t know anyone except Alton is involved, and will attack the keep then.

Session Loot Recap
Parlfray's 2x Men at Arms

EXP- Party Rewards
Poked/Bashed a rock to death- 15EXP
Reaching a decision on where to go next without a party member attacking another party member- 25EXP 
Attempts at ally gathering around town(s) to sack the keep- 50EXP 

EXP- RP and Individual Goals
 Houra's Lone Wolf exploration- 250,000EXP
Hawkeye's attempt to recover his alignment with the last guard- 15EXP

Ongoing Points of Interest Log
  • Parlfray Keep/Howlers Moor- Dwarf congregation missing. (Count Parlfray)
  • Shar's evil priest slaying Parlfray's men in Hardlow woods long ago(TOG)
  • Demihumans in The Great Rock Dale (TOG)
  • Shiraz in the Eelhold (from Garyld)
  • Scouting / determining the cause of the New Mire spread (Carman)
  • Issues with remains of goblin tribe
  • Orc's with skull/crossbow bolt shield motif (encountered)
  • Shrieken Mire? (TOG)
  • Exploring Garlstone Mine
  • What happened to Houra?

Monday, July 7, 2014

Nick (Hawkeye) Session Notes 7/1/2014

1372c Year of Wild Magic, Day 6-8, Month of Marpenoth (October)
(ed. Jeff joins the party as Alton the halfling rogue under orders from Parlfray)
After carefully searching the undead, I found two greatclubs[hammers] and packed Susan up and headed back to Parlfray's Keep. Mautilis might need suuuurrgery from his wounds but Houra assures me he'd prefer none.

We dragged everything back to Parlfray, where we learned that he recruited some weak-ass merc's to help deal with the banditos. By this, he meant he hired one tiny-ass fool, Alton. For some reason we don't talk about anything and he just tags along. No big deal, but he has to stay away from my stash. Parlfray said we can rest up and are welcome to head off to the Mire. Lyntern is looking over Mautilis while Felesin sleeps on the cart.

While Houra wandered off to read more, I got busy on procuring the favor of Parlfray and Lyntern by giving him a FREE greatclub.
New order of watch:

We ventured on to Milford, after I painstakingly healed the team, as usual. As we arrived, we decided to talk to Darius Carmen. The aim was to interrogate the goblins but my hopes were not high. Apparently after they regained conciousness, they would say strange things, but neither caused any issues.

Houra started it off by punching him in the face, I'm honestly surprised Felesin didn't set them on fire first. The king was not cooperative and said he knew nothing. The shaman said the same, praising Magubliyet. The shaman was lying about the ring and the magic sword was just something we brought with them.

I, brilliant as I am, suggested we should talk to Towzer to find out about the ring. Alton scampered off, probably to go steal or something.
I even suggested we re-investigate, maybe the Bloodfists are there as well.
After a thorough investigation at the bar, I found out that Wilbur should be back in a week or less. Sadly, I had to drink alone, since The Grizzler was not at the bar.
The team decided we should check out the Mire again, so we journeyed over. When we arrived, we found the cave empty, as expected, but lacked bodies of women and children of goblins. We find out that the imbeciles that tried to burn the place down missed checking the bedroom of the king and missed a chest ("with a healing potion"), which is related to the "blessed" ring. 
While people were busy looking around, I focused my time on teaching Susan to Track (DC 20 trick).

Alton had the idea to get Cooper to help out but that seems like a terrible plan, as we doubt he'll want to COOPERate once he finds out he is working with us. He gained some knowledge of some cave systems (abandonded), north across the oldson river but doubted they could make it but it is possible. The Great Rockdale is also a possibility of where the goblins could be.

After another night of drinking, big G told us about how Carmen has a bunch of people mining around there, and one of them is abandoned, as it is tapped out.  It shut down about 60 years ago, waterlogged. It had veins of Garlstone, a blue crystalline deposit, for jewelry. It is a half mile north of the edge of the hills, entrance has been worn down and discolored. Easy to spot. The cavern/caves have interesting structures and got nick-names as a result.

Notes: Cave details - by Lance
Upper Section
dreamcave - sleeping of those they would marry
Queen of the souls - Milky column of a majestic organ (spirit of the mine)
Flitch of Bacon - Looks like bacon
Cat - Weird, like a cat head
Poached Egg - large poached eggs on floor.
Grand Cascade - frozen waterfall in stone (caused water logging and unsafe)
Large shaft - Its a shaft
Lower section
Dome  - resembled famous adventurer
Faerie land - Lots of colors, superstition of tapping of those far below the earth.
Crab Petals - Spikey potrusions, colorful & pretty
Large depression like an ear, speak fondest wish for the spirit to hear.
Green Cavern - lots of mining.
We went through The Slug, cart road, that the miners used. Alton scouted ahead. It was a boring ride but my best friend made it easier.

After arriving in the cave, Alton found a trap and managed to set it off, high standards for this party, all the way. We didn't find anything for a while. Eventually we spotted four lights down the tunnel and we hid, extinguishing our lights. We slaughtered them, in our normal fashion, after trying to "surprise" them. Mautilas squished a halfling into paste, which wasn't Alton, I wish I could have seen it.  

After I bravely subdued and  then stabilized those still living, thanks to the help of the War Pony, Susan. I interrogated them. This was obviously cut short but the team's short attention span and poor planning, by Houra this time.  The man with the club spills the beans, they are on a job. Horror show down stairs. Zombies down there, operation. Human priests. Recruited from guild in Amn, couple months work. 

Session Loot Recap
Each guy has a black starburst badge (real light metal) - We each take one. Lets you past the undead.

36 gold
Gold with topaz gemstone ring
Silver ring with red gemstones
Silver claw holding a piece of quartz, looks impressive
2 daggers (Alton takes them)
4 chain mail, long sword, large wood shield
1 leather armor
4 Torches
 EXP- Party Rewards
Garlstone Mine Welcoming Committee - 2 halfling thieves and 4 human banditos- 840 EXP
Facetripping trap- 100 EXP

EXP- RP and Individual Goals
Alton- Good use of resources in investigating possible goblin hidey holes- 25 EXP
Houra/Felisin- Continued light touch with captives- 20 EXP each
Mautilis- not attacking the party after numerous helpfully yelled combat tactics- 15 EXP
Hawkeye- RP with Lyntern and goblin captives- 15 EXP 

Ongoing Points of Interest Log
  • Parlfray Keep/Howlers Moor- Dwarf congregation missing. (Count Parlfray)
  • Shar's evil priest slaying Parlfray's men in Hardlow woods long ago(TOG)
  • Demihumans in The Great Rock Dale (TOG)
  • Shiraz in the Eelhold (from Garyld)
  • Scouting / determining the cause of the New Mire spread (Carman)
  • Issues with remains of goblin tribe
  • Orc's with skull/crossbow bolt shield motif (encountered)
  • Shrieken Mire? (TOG)
  • Exploring Garlstone Mine