Thursday, March 10, 2016

New Neighbors, The Wizard's Retreat, The Pitfalls of Fighting Derro

Session Notes 3/6
Using their Sending ring set, the party contacted the NPC cohort party in Meowswitch to rendezvous in Gnomehome with their newly crafted gear and escort the freed slaves back to the surface. They also gave the slaves 100 gold each to either start a new life as Meowswitchers or book passage back to their homeland. With their menfolk/children still presumably in bondage, none of the grateful women left and have taken up farming and crafting in the hopes of one day being reunited.

The party also handed over 3 Flying Giant Black Widow spider eggs harvested from the Servitor's webs to be hatched and hopefully trained on the surface. I'm sure that won't be terrifying to anyone.

We ran out of time to finish clearing out the Derro hold and will pick up there next time!

Day Tracker
Servitor warrens to Quaggoth flux point - 5 days (146)
Flux to Grell, Grell to Gnomehome - 5 days (151)
Gnomehome fluxpoint (the crystal coffin is a flux point - forgot to mention) to Quaggoth - (151)
Quaggoth to southern Derro hold - 6 days (157)

The Ramblings of Jobin
Wizard's Retreat - Bronze Orb and 2 Stone Golems - 4,200 EXP
Worm Pool Guards - 8 Xbow - 1,600 EXP
Barracks - 9 Xbox, Lieutenant - 2,100 EXP
Webbed Hallway - 8 Xbow, Savant, Piper, 4 Giant Black Widow Spiders - 3,000 EXP
Grand Cavern - 16 Xbow, Lieutenant, Savant, Monk - 3,600 EXP

Of Dwarves and Pits, My Sword is Named Diplomacy, Female Illithids are a Thing

Session Notes 2/28
Faced with a few branching paths, two with Derro and two leading further south toward the City of the Glass Pool, the party debates the merits of leaving foes at their flanks, but wisely decides to wipe them all out before pressing on. With the warnings of Carmenarin in their mind, the party wasted no time trying to negotiate with the evil Derro clan and went in guns blazing. Though quite sneaky, the degenerate dwarves were no match for Tomoe's off the chart Perception and their ambush was easily turned against them.

The Derro are very proficient at using poison and had a huge supply of a particularly nasty poison harvested from their giant spiders. Now the party is in possession of said supply.

They are also very focused on maintaining battlefield control through the use of fortification and spells like Web and Spiked Pit. The party is becoming ever more prepared for these types of shennanigans thanks to Rogtar's freedom of movement masterpiece and various other equipment chosen specifically to bring their very high melee power to bear.

Day Tracker
Travel from outpost to Northern Derro tunnels + resting after fights - 1 day (140)

The Ramblings of Jobin
Entry Hallway - 9 Crossbowmen, 2 Pipers, 1 Lieutenant, Crossbow Wall - 3,000 EXP 
Slave Farm - 8 Crossbowmen, 1 Piper, 1 Lieutenant, 2 Savants - 3,300 EXP
Rescuing all 12 slaves - 2,000 EXP
Tunnel two-front fight with Savant Nest and Barracks - 9 Crossbowmen, 1 Lieutenant + 3 Savants, 1 Savant-King, Bodyguard - 6,000 EXP

Loot Haul
Savant 1: Emerald set gold neckchain (3,500gp) large potion of cure serious wounds (3 sips/STD per)
Savant 2: Gold ankle bracelets (800gp set), black pearl (6,000gp), scroll of dispel magic, fly, baleful polymorph CL 9.
Savant 3: Platinum ring (4,500gp) Bracers of Armor +3
Savant King 4: Matched gold ruby rings (1,500gp set) Ring of Fire Resistance - minor, Green silk robe with emerald-studded collar functions as a Blazing Robe of acid (Acrid Robes)
Bodyguard: Small Greataxe +1, Small Studded Leather +1
Illithid: Illithid smelling hat with skull brooch and a hole for your head-growth - functions as a Circlet of Persuasion, brooch from handout #17, shoulder bag of holding (type 1) with a little skull on it - currently holds 5 potions of domination as those seen earlier, a fine jade tea set (1,000gp) with a nice collection of teas (500gp), and a selection of what you guess are Illithid adventuring dresses (400gp). She also had a baton with a skull on the end of it - pressing a button extends it into a black silk parasol (20gp)
Some of the window dressing from the books is just odd. Apparently the artist couldn't figure out what a flying giant spider would look like either.

In two trapped chests Tomoe, easily spots and disarms (1,200 EXP):
pouches of gems of all types totaling 32,000gp
2 5k diamonds
6 potions (later found to be potions of Bull's Strength mixed with potions of domination)
Tome of Leadership and Influence +1, usable by Good aligned only
2'x1.5'x1 coffer, functions as a bag of holding (type 2) with the additional property of it+contents being impossible to scry by any means. (Price 15,000gp)
It contains a glimmering sapphire stone dragon statuette, roughly 10 inches long. Every facet of the creature glints with rainbow colored light. (200,000gp) It doesn't ping on anyone's knowledge checks, though Rogtar if you have some sort of legend lore effect you can give me numbers.

 DM Notes
Due to Chris/Or'Tree's schedule, some events happened at weird (non-session chronological) times and got left out of notes. At Carmenarin's recommendation now that the shadow dragon had been defeated, the party traveled back to the mysterious area past his lair (timeline from last post - Day 125). As they poked and prodded around, Or'Tree was pulled bodily into a stone wall by four arms. Sensing no evil and strong magic afoot, the party decided to wait and took a rest in their portable cabin. Sure enough, Or'Tree was unconscious outside of it when they awoke, none the worse for wear, but with no memory of what happened and a Geas spell laid on him of unknown origin.

Chris and I hashed out the roleplay of what went on inside the wall off-screen a bit later. The relevance of this is that, upon discovering the sapphire dragonette statue, Or'Tree was overwhelmed with a strong desire to keep it safe and transport it back to where he was abducted. With the paladins again sensing no evil, the party decided to play along with this and let him hang onto it.